2 days after Danie picked up a rather forlorn, cold, pale and pretty miserable cyclist from a lane 15miles north of Telford, she dropped off another at the exact same spot. This one had a smile on his face albeit smaller than the smile that would’ve been there had it been more than -2 degrees and later than 0650.

The two days in between had been spent getting better and also being fed carbs at every single turn I took. (Thank you Danie)

Cycled from the point I stopped on Friday to Ironbridge where we had stayed the night before for breakfast.

15 miles before breakfast- a sure fire way to make sure you finish it all.

Cycled down to Kidderminster. Had a lovely lasagne (veggie) in the De Beers garden centre and the staff there very kindly donated £15 to the cause. Thank you! Off through to Worcester.

Managed to infuriate a ‘serious’ cyclist for a good few miles by keeping up with him with all my luggage AND then doing the unthinkable- over taking him. My cheery “Mornin!” was met by a grimace.

Arranged to meet up with Kai (my nephew and Claire’s son – 3 1/2/ now) and his dad Chris in Gloucester. He’d just had chickenpox but still pretty cheery considering and was just so lovely to have a big hug and a kiss from him.

A sublime cycle down the A38 to Bristol- sun came out and my average speed was up to just under 16mph for the day.

Coming into Bristol and Mr Allen had overtaken me in the car and flagged me down to say hello and well done!

Mum and Dad had set up camp on Horfield common (5minutes earlier), and greeted me with some extremely enthusiastic flag waving. Great to see them.

Home sweet home- but not before the Gaits (pupil and fellow school governor) pulled up to welcome me home- very touching thank you!

So- a much, much better day. The sun is out tomorrow and the winds- so the gods would have them- are due to be pushing me onto the home straight.

What favourable weather for the last two days. And yes- I do feel like I thoroughly deserve it.

Matt gait
1/4/2013 07:22:28 am

Hi mark great to see you today, we drove around and around Bristol to trying to find you, so glad we did. You are doing a fantastic job such a inspiration to us all. Lauren said she hoped you liked the poster. Have a great time for the rest of the ride try get some surfing in when you get to Cornwall and some rattler ( local cider )

A. Jill
1/4/2013 01:40:14 pm

Tickled to see you made Bristol and the weather looks GOOD for the next couple of days - what a relief and "yes" you definitely do deserve it. You even had the energy to write in your blog. Here's to the red beard tomorrow!

Gill Ogden
1/4/2013 04:45:39 pm

Well done glad to hear you are so much better and on the road again

Eliz Miller
2/4/2013 05:13:21 pm

So glad to see you're up & cycling again & seeing Kai, then Bristol must have been brilliant. Sorry I did nit meet you on A38 which I would have done if I'd been at home. good luck for last haul of journey

25/4/2013 08:18:21 pm


25/4/2013 08:19:17 pm

HI its ashleigh did yhou have fun

25/4/2013 08:21:50 pm

25/4/2013 08:38:43 pm

Well done mr Stinchcombe


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