Following the night befores Christmas party, I set off in some very lovely sunshine. No sign of ice anywhere but still feeling pretty ‘delicate’.

Cycled past my parents’ house and they had Kai down for the night so was great to see him and have a bit of rough and tumble before carrying on with the ride. Have included a photo of him- growing up so quickly- a proper little boy now.

Headed down to Portishead and it was at this point that an owl was circling overhead- I looked it up on google- some do hunt in the daytime! As I was looking up at it, it dived right down and, had I not ducked, I am convinced it would have carried me off in it’s talons. A driver passing the other way thought it was hilarious.

Cycled through Portishead and over to Clevedon. Still beautifully sunny and fresh.

Amazing views over the Somerset levels from Axbridge with Glastonbury Tor in the distance and the Cheddar Gorge on my left. Lovely to see distant hill tops far way lit up by the sun against some pretty menacing looking clouds. Bought a few presents (heavy ones too L ) at a local craft and flea markety type place. Taking my current present buying total to 2.

Cycled through Cheddar and then onto Wells, a funny old place, for some lunch. Asked a friend who used to work there for some recommendations for places to eat and was given a few suggestions.

Only a short stop before heading off over the Mendips back to Bristol via Bath. Long climb out of Wells up to the top of the Mendips on a road called ‘Bristol Hill’- not very pleasant at all.

At this stage it was absolutely pouring with rain.

Just before coming down into Bath there was a huge bright rainbow- which was nice.

Back home to a glass of port, a hot bath, attempts to warm up my feet and de-frost my toes and a chance to ‘wallow’ in the cold that I’ve developed!

Almost dead on 80 miles/130km

The sun was shining, the roads were icy (so I stayed in bed till they weren’t), the air was fresh and the sublimely dullish-grey outline of the Second Severn Crossing was magnificently offset by the sludgy brown of the River Severn.

After quite pleasantly getting lost once or twice Almondsbury garden centre way, I got overtaken twice crossing over the Severn bridge. Ah, a pair of young-uns more whippersnapperish than myself I thought. I passed the same pair on the Welsh side of the Severn- had to be going on early sixties at least.

Through Chepstow and then up through the forest of Dean on beautifully quiet roads, every now and then getting a view of the cliffs of the Wye valley on the other side. Hadn’t occurred to me that I’d be riding uphill for a good half hour on said other side in a couple of hours.

Sat in the hottest pub I think I have ever been in and had a lovely meal. Enjoyed listening to an older couple discussing the suitability of various suitors for their daughter. “Yes but she is not a ‘shirty’ person. It’s HIM. HE makes her get all shirty”.

Rode down to Monmouth and then along the road which hugs the river Wye all the way back to Chepstow, past Tintern abbey (which at that point, I had no interest in looking at).

Rode back over the bridge and then along the A38 into Bristol past Filton Airport- which is simply stunning at this time of the year at dusk and in the rain.

80miles- but 130km sounds further, hence the title of the blog.

The day was made sweeter when I got back and found out that someone had anonymously donated £500. How amazing. Thank you so much you very, very generous person. Hope you read this…was very touched indeed.


And one more for my anonymous donator! X

AND... a lovely homemade pie to come back and demolish from Danie. ;{)