Would like to start off by thanking an anonymous donor for the £940
A big thank you to the man who  bought me my first bike, taught me how to ride it and who has been through so much  in the the last 3 years.

After last week’s freezing weather and the Office of doom and gloom (formally known as the MET office) predicting heavy rain, I set off in the sunshine.

After cycling 15 miles I realised I had left my pump so headed home to pick it up. Being able to change an inner tube is one thing, being able to fix a puncture is another thing but being able to do either of the first two without a pump is something completely different.

Cycled up the A38 then along the Severn Beach road from Avonmouth. Stopped at a café there for a 2nd breakfast.  Whilst eating the omelette I’d ordered, a group of bikers came in full cold weather kit. The last of the group came in and after taking his helmet off and placed it with all the helmets which had accumulated on one of the tables.

“Too many helmets…” he announced VERY loudly, “ and not enough err…” I stopped eating my omelette and waited for whatever he had carefully thought of to say, “errr… breakfasts.”  Back to the omelette.

Cycled over the M5 and after leaving Wotton Under Edge, climbed a steep climb up on the top of the Cotswolds. Bright blue skies.

It’s amazing how your view of everything can change so quickly.

Cycling along the flat at 30miles an hour, surrounded by fields and with a view of Wales to the left- things were looking good. Lunch stop was in 3miles, which at that speed with a tailwind was only 5 minutes away.

Tetbury is full of antique shops. They had a Persian rug sale in the town hall and it didn’t take long to realise no matter how seriously I looked at the reindeer rugs, in my cycling bib leggings and funny waterproof elf overshoes, I was never going to fit in.

Along the same bit of road as earlier, travelling at 10 miles an hour in the pouring rain, with the same ‘tailwind’ now heading straight my way, my view of everything was very different.

Home before 4 and straight out for a huge roast. 95 miles.

 Donate here if you would like to support my JOGLE ride over Easter

Wearing two pairs of cycling bib tights has benefits two fold:

1) They keep little leggies twice as warm

2) They make chicken legs look more like turkey legs.

Have mostly got the kit I need for the ride over Easter now- including some new over shoes. These little neoprene numbers stopped my feet freezing today and it was -2 when I set off. Kept on the main roads so no ice really but very beautiful cycling through the countryside with snowy fields either side.

Cycled over to Clevedon and saw Kai who was staying over with my Mum and Dad… they were just getting ready to go out sledging and busy knocking down great brick towers.

Out of Clevedon and headed over to the A38 and past Axbridge. Somerset was completely white – no wind and no rain: allowed to smile!

Stopped to get some food in a little local shop for local people. The fridge was stacked high with meat -sausages, hams, pates and allsorts- I asked if the pies were vegetarian? They were not- she did have a lovely feta and spinach pastry behind the counter- I think she might have been saving it for her lunch but she let me have it anyway.

Through Wells and cycled round Glastonbury Tor- lots of people up sledging- had initially thought it’d be nice to climb up and take a photo from the top- not so keen after 50miles so I took a photo from the bottom looking up instead.

Stopped in Street for a mammoth Sunday Lunch and then cycled back the way I had come all the way home… insistent on making it too 100 before it got dark I cycled through Clifton and down the Portway on the way back to add on a couple of miles… rolled past the door just as the speedo ‘clicked’ past 100…

Thoughts with Danie and her family as she has gone up to Derby for her Grandma’s, Monica, funeral… such a wonderfully enthusiastic, loving and kind lady – she will be greatly missed.

Dear Mother nature,
Yesterday, you were horrible.
Today, you were radiant. Splendidly radiant.
Best wishes.

Long weekend in the saddle!

Saturday- rain, sleet and snow.

Starting with Saturday- set off from Bristol late after my alarm didn’t go off/wasn’t set. Cycled down to Avonmouth, over the motorway bridge and then up over Failand and down the other side to Nailsea.

Had a flat in the rain and to stop to fix that… an old man took an interest in me fixing my bike in the rain. Rather irritatiatingly he said “I would help you if I could-but I can’t”. He then did some more watching of me fixing my bike in the rain and then decided to tell me about his son in law who cycles a “long way very often” and is down in Italy cycling as we speak.

He managed to keep this very one sided converstation going for a while before moving on.

Stopped at Harvester Longwell Green (I think it was there) for my late 2nd breakfast. It was rammed but didn’t take more than 3 minutes for my meal to arrive… I’ve started to plan routes around Harvesters- making good use of the salad bar to load up on calories.

I was called “my love”, “my darling” and "my sweet" an astonishing number of times by the lady serving in an accent that can only be found within 10 miles of Bristol City Centre.

Cycled to Bath and then had to climb out of Bath onto the Medips/Cotsworlds over to Wells… lots more rain.

Ate a big lasagne in Wells and as I was so cold, I had to sit on the same table as an old man and his beer so I could sit by the fire. In between staring at my food and out of the window, he burped which was nice.

Knew that it would be dark before I could make 100miles so decided to cycle back over the Mendips on the old Bristol Road. Shortcut- yes. Gentle ride- no.

After a good 30 minute climb levelled out a bit and then came the sleet. Yes sleet. Driving sleet. To my surprise this turned into snow- and enough to settle too- see photo!

Arrived home wet and cold but the heating was on and soon felt more human- birthday drinks for Ollie Critchlow went down wonderfully well… quickly forgetting I had to cycle tomorrow too…

All in all- 85 miles. (and did I mention twice over the Mendips? And the snow? And the puncture?)

Sunday- a day of sunshine.

Got up with a woozy head but after a bit of complaining, pushed myself and my bike out of the door.

Minus 1 when I left and my toes froze almost instantly- shoes still wet from yesterday. No nice.

Cycled along the A38 to Gloucester in bright sunshine… admired lone trees standing in the middle of fields against the blue sky. Photo didn’t come out too well.

Arrived at the Harvester and noticed that two locals were sitting in the same seats as the last time I passed and stopped for lunch. One remembered me  (and looked slightly less shocked than last time when he was reminded that I'd arrived ALL the way from Bristol) and had a chat about how last time I was dripping wet and this time I wasn’t- he wished me good luck!

Cycyled along to Mitchel Dean and then up a long series of hills before stopping to take a photo of the River Severn ‘from above’. Not sure if I’ve ever heard this saying before so I’m claiming it as one I’ve made up myself-

‘You cant have a view without climbing the hill first.’ Mark Stinchcombe, 2013 (9 GCSEs and two A-levels).

Cycled through the Forest of Dean and managed to overtake a young-un pushing his racer up a hill… He overtook me ½ a mile later. Touche.

Cyled down to Chepstow and then over the Severn Bridge just before sunset. Knew that I’d be a few miles short of 100 so cycled the long route home through Bristol via the Mall… glistening with all it’s pretty neon lights and fast food signs.

Homemade soup and the promise of a leg massage courtesy of the in-house masseuse… thank you Danie Ward.

99miles all in all!

Did a 99miler (in lots of rain) and a 93 miler (some rain) in between Christmas and going back to school too… slowly but surely I’m getting there. I think/I hope.