Woke at quarter to six to set off and get the taxi to John o Groats...
Heard about all manner of JOGLE attempts from the driver from 2month long 'distillery tours' to a skateboard and fridge attempt- every time he'd passed them they had been collapsed by the side of the road.

Almost lost my gloves as they were blown away at JOG... A rock next to the harbour saved them.
Took a rather windswept photo of me at the furthermost tip of the UK before reaching Never Never Land and then Mordor. Wild in a word.

The first 12miles was all directly into the wind. Inland it had been strong, on the coast it was insane.
Leaning the bike into the wind and trying to use my back as a sail against the what was now a crosswind.

Arrived back into Wick for a lovely cooked breakfast. Was given a donation by a lovely older lady called Mary from Ireland... Thank you again if you read this Mary.

Set off once again and now the wind was joined by snow travelling horizontally. Sheep, sensibly sitting behind the shelter of walls, looked on with an air of bemusement. A flock of birds took off as I passed and spent a good two minutes battling alongside me.

Changing direction every now and then meant that the wind was slightly behind me and whoooosh did I go.
Pretty amazing how many different noises the wind can make as it squeezes through any and every gap possible.

After about 40miles in, the wind stepped up. I thought I would try not to get off and push my bike up a hill for the whole 940mile trip... I never thought I would be pushing my bike downhill on the first day. Mostly the leaning the bike at an angle worked but every ow a stonger gust would blow and I'd career onto the other side of the road.

Amazing scenery, rugged cliffs, ruined castles, huge foaming waves rolling in.

After serious thought i decided that it was just too dangerous to contine along the coastal A9. Getting passed by HGVs whilst trying to keep the bike (with 23mm tyres and luggage) on the right side of the road was getting a bit scary and i knew if I could get to Helmsdale, 55miles in, i could get the train another 35miles to where the road went inland.
With no other route down and the forecast looking equally ominous tomorrow I walked/rode on to the station.
Whilst waiting there met a grandad with his Grandson... Apart from amusing me with his description of the beauty of Scotland with an amazingly broad accent (and using every expletive that I know... And possibly more) he also told me that a young cyclist had been hit and killed by an HGV on Sunday.
As much as I hated having to get the train, and no one could be as annoyed as me, Im glad I did.

A quick 30mile ride to Beauly and a whiskey... I've passed at least 5 distilleries so would hate to offend  anyone.

24/3/2013 01:34:25 am

Wow what a day you had! and glad you made the right decision about taking the train - better safe than sorry. I hope today a little better but am sure the wind must be just as fierce. Hope you enjoy another whiskey tonight - you'll certainly deserve it! Love and prayers xxx

Auntie Jill
24/3/2013 03:00:49 am

A good read for an amazing experience. Thanks Mark for being sensible

Matt gait
24/3/2013 03:58:41 am

Well done mark. How were the locks did you see any monsters ?

24/3/2013 04:17:10 am

Glad you took the sensible route Mark we want you back in one piece, supply is so expensive nowadays LOL xxx

24/3/2013 05:10:15 am

Thinking of you in your thermals .... Know that brrrr feeling on the old leggies and that wind !!!! Keep warm Mark xxxxx

25/4/2013 06:34:35 pm

Well done Mr S


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